The Wise Woman Circle Membership

Are you a woman in mid-life experience symptoms of perimenopause?

We got you.

Are you feeling stuck in your career, relationship and life? 

We got you.

Are you feeling burned out and pulled in too many directions?

We got you.

Are you experiencing unusual or unexplained symptoms in your body and mind?

We got you.

Do you need help navigating the medical system to get the support you need?

We got you.

Are you craving a support community of women?

We got you.

Join us in community as we navigate this season of midlife with connection, science backed tools to ease symptoms, a library filled with resources, live monthly coaching and retreat opportunities.

Monthly Live Coaching plus Guest Expert Calls

In our monthly zoom calls, we will join in community to learn and grow together with a deep dive into the Wise Woman Course content, an interactive chat room, live Q & A and hot seat coaching. We will use Breathwork, Visioning, Journaling, and Meditation to envision, create and embody the life you desire. All calls are recorded and available for replay in your membership library. 


A Membership Library filled with Lifestyle Medicine Resources

You will be empowered with actionable steps for blood sugar balancing nutrition, strength training videos, hormone optimization tools, monthly journal prompts and nervous system regulation practices like breathwork and guided meditations so you can look and feel your best while mitigating some of the more common symptoms of this season.

Accountability, Community and  Consistency.

You will be supported in creating a vision for your future while reframing this season of life. Having a supportive community and monthly live calls creates accountability and consistency as you move towards your goals. Not only will you create the vision for your future, but you will gain the tools necessary to embody your best self through sustainable habit creation, community building and coaching.

Wise Woman Circle Membership

$44.00 USD every month

We would love to have you join us in this growing community.

We understand how it feels to be isolated, misunderstood and alone navigating this mid-life transition. We provide you with new insights and new understandings of what is going on inside your body so you can be empowered to make informed choices to feel your best. Women naturally utilize a tend and befriend strategy when navigating stress. This membership offers that kinship and sisterhood to be safely seen and heard. Join us today.

Meet your Coaches

Ali Zuur-Arnerich

Ali has been involved in the healing arts for over 20 years as a massage therapist, birth doula, and now health coach deeply focused on women's functional and hormone health. After working with hundreds of clients in her blood sugar balancing RESET program, Ali has honed her coaching skills to offer actionable, sustainable and effective tools which create vibrant health that lasts.  Working with a number of female clients in the perimenopause years, it became clear there was a giant gap for women navigating hormone health. After completing certifications in Hormone Health, Functional Lab Testing, Functional Women's Nutrition and Perimenopause through the Integrative Women's Health Institute, Ali has joined their Advanced Women's Health Membership and continues to learn and resource herself so she can support others along the way. Ali is also a Certified Breathwork Facilitator and utilizes breath as a tool to regulate the nervous system and balance hormones.

Nutrition, movement, stress mitigation and proper sleep are the foundations which we build upon for optimal hormone health. 

Caryn Shapiro Stone

For the last 20 + years Caryn has worked in the service of others as a life coach and fundraising professional. Caryn specializes in supporting women of all ages with life transitions, and as a woman in mid-life, wife and mother of two teen daughters, looks forward to building community and facilitating space to reframe this time of our lives as an opportunity for positive transformation. Caryn brings her passion for facilitation and coaching to support this course with integration and embodiment practices. 

Caryn has a Masters in International Relations, a coaching certification through the Coach Training Alliance, and has completed the Playing Big Facilitators Training with Tara Mohr.

The Circle with Ali and Caryn 

Click the image to head over to Apple Podcasts and enjoy the conversations we are having with members of our community. 


Welcome Wise Woman!

We are all connected by the milestones of womanhood. Some of these milestones are not meant to be walked alone. Women historically were surrounded by community to help navigate the seasons of life. The isolation of our modern lives, only more amplified in recent years, has not served women well. In this isolation, as we approach middle age, it is challenging to know what is "normal". The natural shifts taking place create anxiety, dis-ease and we are often left suffering in silence while being dismissed by the medical community.

We are offering a paradigm shift in our Wise Woman Circle.

This course and membership are designed for women who are going through any life transition, but specifically for  the transition of perimenopause and menopause.

What is perimenopause?

This is the 10-15 years around the final menopause transition. Menopause is defined as one year without a menstrual cycle, and the average age is 51 in this country. The hormone fluctuations that precede menopause can begin in our mid-late 30's, and often come and go for a decade before our final cycle. This is the season of perimenopause, and it is quite misunderstood, mismanaged and mysterious. Even our best intentioned medical community is at a loss when it comes to this time in a woman's life. Most women go through the quiet struggle of trying to figure out what it is, what is normal, and when will I feel like myself again?

We will explore these questions and transform the unknown to empowerment so we can access our inner wisdom. In this community we will learn that not only is this season of life normal, but it is a special gift.

We have condensed the most relevant and latest science backed information around perimenopause and menopause. We are here to share answers to these unknowns so we can trust our bodies while surrendering the illusion of control.

We can't stop this change or slow down time, but we can support it and have a more empowered transition. 

As a woman in your 30's, 40's, 50's & beyond, have you experienced:

  • Unexplained weight gain that is not budging with the tools that used to work?
  • Mood swings, hot flashes and emotions on a roller coaster?
  • Frustration with all the mixed messages on diets, supplements and protocols?
  • Loneliness and isolation on your journey and not sure what is normal anymore?
  • Unsure about what is going on with your cycle or unclear on the phases of your menstrual cycle?
  • The need for coffee to get going in the morning and wine to relax in the evening?
  • Disrupted sleep, waking at 3am and can't fall back to sleep?
  • Anxiety around what's next for you in your career, family, life goals?
  • Fear and unease around aging?
  • Being ignored by a medical professional who offers birth control, anti-anxiety or sleeping pills, or suggests that it's all in your head?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we have you covered in this course!


Join us in a new way of connecting with this season of life.

Even if you are on the other side of menopause, the demands and stresses of this season are eased by being in community.

This is a beautiful opportunity to reimagine what this age looks and feels like.


Join the Circle

What Wise Women are saying.....

Game Changer

"Highly educating, enlightening. Opened my eyes to a lot of simple daily practices that are game changing. The visualization pieces were incredibly powerful. I would recommend this circle to women who are looking to grow both emotionally and physically. It's a warm, inviting, safe space to do so."

A Safe Space

“Ali and Caryn are an amazing team. They compliment each other beautifully and each bring so much knowledge to the circle. From nerdy science information to visualizing new forms of our inner beings they thoughtfully guided us while showing vulnerability and a tenderness that created a safe space. I acquired tools and techniques that really stick with me throughout my day and help me fill my own cup, make better choices and keep me grounded. So grateful to these amazing women!”

Create Community 

"This has boosted my confidence so that I may move forward in this season of my life (and seasons to come!); breathwork techniques that quell my anxiety, the ability to check in with my future self, ways to hold myself accountable and nutrition information to not only nourish myself but my family. Ali and Caryn have created community; something every woman should have in her life."

Ali and Caryn's Story~

We became fast friends over 20 years ago in a pilates class in the months before our weddings and the transition into wives. We then turned to each other in friendship and support as the journey transitioned to motherhood. We continue to lean on each other and utilize each other's coaching expertise to better our own lives and support our own journeys (Ali has coached Caryn thorough the Reset for holistic health, and Caryn has coached Ali in her growth as a business owner and entrepreneur).

As we reflect on the importance of community during the lifelong journey of being a woman (it never ends!), we want YOU to join our circle.

We offer kinship as well as knowledge; both scientific and lived experience. Through this course you will feel empowered, seen, connected, and closer to the Wise Woman you already are. 

Learn more on our Podcast, The Circle With Ali and Caryn on Apple. Listen Here or below.